2nd Round of the 4-A-Side Front Pin Cup.

To be Played on Tuesday 28th Jan. and Weds 29th Jan. Games to Start 8.30. Sharp.

The first team on the Board on each Alley to report the scores please.

Lt. Brigade vCharlton Ckers,    The 12th Man v Cider Lads. at Club “A” Tues 28th Jan.

Taste the Rainbow v Viceroys,  George Lads v S.M.A.F.C.  at Wookey Hole Club Tues 28th Jan.

Roughcuts v Wookey Wizards,   Whizz Kids v Cornhill 8.  at Venue Club Tues 28th Jan.

Strawberry Sp v Peacetakers,     Mendip Casuals v Blakes 8. at Ring of Bells Wookey. Tues 28th Jan.

Buses”B” v The Outcasts,           Georgians v Legion Lads. at Club “B” Tues 28th Jan.

Priddy 8 v Pistz,                         Ramblers v Hillbillies. at Wells Rugby Club Weds 29th Jan.

Barleycorns v Natch Boys,         Sheppey Lads v Wookey Club. at Ring of Bells Wookey Weds 29th Jan.

Oakhill Outcasts, Frantic Floppers have byes.